





Ongoing collaborative projects with Magali Duzant. Their works have been shown at the New York Art Residency and Studios (NARS) Foundation, and as public commissions for Bike NY and Artists Alliance (2017) and Parramatta Lanes, Parramatta (2015).  In 2017 they undertook a residency at Castel Gandolfo, the Vatican Observatory, Roma to work on collaborative and individual research projects.  Magali Duzant is based in NY and Zürich NY. Using photography, writing, time-based installations, and artist books her work explores the ways in which we describe, inhabit, and share experiences on intimate scales both large and small.



Other [Dark] Times

Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania

Curated by Maria Kunda and Paul Zika

9 June - 24 June 2018


The exhibition is organised around the polarised moods that characterise living in our “interesting times”: on one hand expansive and ecstatic, psychedelic and transcendental; on the other hand, seemingly stalled—time endured, languidly, with a sense of torpor, ennui or petrification.

Some of the works selected refer to the past, some to the future or some parallel time, or to worlds that are excessive, intensified or heightened—to the point of being tenuous or fragile, or monochrome and vacant.



I can see for Miles

CCP Gallery Melbourne

Curated by Talia Smith

Friday 22 March - Sunday 6 May 


To long is to yearn for something or someone, to desire the impractical or impossible. It is to stare out across the tyranny of distance and in doing so discover some kind of empathy in the quiet moments that meet us there.

In Rebecca Solnit’s 'Field guide to getting Lost' she uses the faded blue distance on the horizon line as an elegy for this yearning. Solnit describes that the colour blue of that distance between you and the horizon represents an emotion, a kind of solitude and desire.

'I can see for miles' engages these applications of longing in the form of a group exhibition, using the crisp horizon line of the landscape as a starting point to explore that distance between place, time and desire. Featuring artists from Australia and abroad 'I can see for mile's engages multiple perspectives to commune on the universal language of distance.



Lumen Studio Residency, Vatican Observatory, Castel Gandolfo Italy Roma, 2017.



One If By Night: A Ride Under the Cosmos

Presented in collaboration with Bike New York and Artists Alliance Inc

Curated by Magali Duzant

Ride Date: Sunday, September 10, 7:30pm
Ride Length: 8 miles
Register  here
Press Release


Unmapping: Charting New Pathways to Creativity, a unique commission between Sydney Story Factory and MCA Learning.  The project enabled me to work with primary and secondary students over several months to share my practice, and artistic process.  A video installation Light Leaks installed at Sydney Story Factory.

May - September 2017  More information


Fresh Flix: VIVID Ideas, Giant Dwarf, Redfern
Video and sound works curated by Ross Symington
June 3, 2017 


Freedman Foundation Scholarship Exhibition, Nick Waterlow Gallery, UNSW Art & Design

12 Oct - 4 November 2016

Opening 6pm 12 October

Curated by Emily Sullivan


Artist In Resident, Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania

September - October 2016

Screening 5:00 - 7:30pm 7 October

Presentation of new site specific installation work and night screening


Liverpool City Projections, Casula Powerhouse

1 July - 1 Sept 2016

Trace of Light Installation


Artist Residency, Squiggle Space

June - July 2016

Closing screening 5:30pm 1 July 

Presentation of new work and site specific installation  

Tracing Moonlight Installation


Her Moving Presence, Airspace Projects

Opening 6-8pm 5 February 2016

Artist talks 3pm 20 February

Curated by Danica Knevick and Yvette Hamilton 

Catalogue essay by Jacqueline Millner


Airspace Projects 10 Junction Street Marrickville, Sydney


Artists: Ella Condon, Fiona Davies, Kath Fries, Sylvia Griffin, Yvette Hamilton, Melissa Howe, Danica Knezevic, Vivienne Linsley, Sarah Breen Lovett, Sara Morawetz, Katy Plummer, and Tamara Voninski.

Tracing Moonlight Installation



Unbound presents two simultaneous exhibitions between Sawtooth ARI Launceston and Parramatta Artists Studios. Unbound investigates photography as a method for tracing, recording and illuminating shifts within time and citing the body in contemporary notions of experience.

Exhibiton Catalogue essays by Jacqueline Millner and Kelly McDonald

Artists: Magali Duzant (US), Mark John Smith (UK), Matt Whitman (US), Ella Condon (AU)


Sawtooth Artist Run Initiative, Launceston, Tasmania

Opening 6-8pm October 2, 2015

Artist talks 11am October 3, 2015 

Exhibition hours Wed-Fri 12-5, Sat 10-2 

160 Cimitiere St, Launceston


Parramatta Artists Studios, Parramatta, Sydney

October 6-17th, 2015

Panel discussion - Oct 17th

Exhibition open late for Parramatta Lanes 5pm-10pm, 6-9 October

Level 2, 68 Macquarie St, Parramatta 


Parramatta Lanes Festival, Parramatta, Sydney

The exhibition will be open late hours during Parramatta Lanes Festival from 5-10pm on Oct 6th-9th

Ella Condon and Magali Duzant will present video work in Leigh Memorial Church during Parramatta Lanes.


Moonlight Trace


Image: Ella Condon, Moonlight Tracking: Blue Moon, 2015. Digital Video

This work was made by assistance from Geoff Wyatt of Sydney Observatory. The artist would like to thank Geoff for his support of this project.


Island Salon Curated by Sophie Kitson, Angela Garrick & Danielle Zorbas

Underbelly Arts Festival 2015

August 1-2

Sarafina Power and Ella Condon (2015). Biloela Girls or How to Measure Longing
HD Digital Video with Colour and Sound. 5 minutes and 35 seconds.


Dedicated to the Biloela Girls.
Island Salon Underbelly Arts 

Image: Sarafina Power and Ella Condon (2015). 'Biloela Girls or How to Measure Longing', Installation at Island Salon, Underbelly Arts.



The Light Loop projected on the Manhattan Bridge for Crest and Trough


Curated by Sarah Walko and John Ensor Parker

DUMBO International Year of Light Festival

June 4, 7pm


Light Loop projected live on the Manhattan Bridge

Image: Ella Condon, 'The Light Loop', Projected onto the Manhattan Bridge, Crest and Trough Exhibition, 2015.


Parramatta Artists Studios

Movers and Makers, Parramatta Artists Studios

May 16, 10-1pm


Studio Open Day, Parramatta Artists Studios

Artist talk

April 21, 10-1pm


Studio Open Day, Parramatta Artists Studios

Feb 21, 10-1pm

Level 2, 68 Macquarie St, Parramatta 



Surface Tension and The Light Loop, Australian Centre for Photography Street Screen Program 

Curated by Claire Monneraye

Feb 27- March 22, After dark 

257 Oxford Street, Paddington


Image: Ella Condon, 'The Light Loop', Projection on Street Screen, Australian Centre for Photography, 2015.


Paper to be published in an expanded version of the Project Anywhere Conference Publication



Visiting Artist Parsons The New School, Fine Arts Faculty

The project received funding from Australia Council for the Arts ArtStart Grant, NAVA Freedman Foundation Travelling Scholarship and American Australian Association Dame Joan Sutherland Fund.



Contemporary's Contemporaries, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Staff Exhibition 

27 November - 19 December

Rocks Pop Up Gallery, Sydney



Conference Sculpting with Light, Art & Research at the Outermost Limits of Location Specificity

November 13-14 10:00AM- 6:00PM

The Lang Centre, School of Art, Media, and Technology, Parsons, NY



Conference panel Photographic Shift(s): Ubiquity vs Sublime, Society of Photographic Education Conference 

October 25th 9:30AM -5:00PM

Clark Theatre, New York State Museum, Albany, NY



Astray, Chasm Gallery 

October 17 - November 2

56 Bogart St, Bushwick NY

 Chasm Gallery NY


Freedman Foundation Traveling Artist Scholarship Exhibition

6-8PM October 17th, 2014 

Exhibition continues November 8th

UNSW Galleries 

UNSW Art & Design



Collaboration with Laura Ward/ Octavia Cup Dance Theatre for MAPS at Manhattan Movement

Featuring The Light Loop, Trace of Light and new video works in collaboration with Octavia Cup Dance Theatre Director Laura Ward

Manhattan Movement and Arts Center

248 West 60th St. New York, NY 10023

Ticketed event


Image: Ella Condon, Dance Rehersal, Octavia Cup Dance Theatre, 2014.



American Australian Alliance, Dame Joan Sutherland Fund showcase at Adelante Studios

Featuring Trace of Light  

25 W 31st Street, Fl 2
New York, New York
October 2nd, 6:30- 9pm

Ticketed event


Image: Ella Condon, Trace of Light for Australian American Alliance Arts Screening, 2014.


Highly commended work on paper - Waverly Art Prize 

Judging panel National Art School Gallery Director Judith Blackall, Australian Painter Del Kathryn Barton, Gallery Director Dominik Mersch. 

4- 13 July 2014 



Trace (I) Finalist in the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award, Gold Coast City Gallery, QLD.

Curated by Natasha Bullock

Gold Coast City Gallery

March 29 - May 25 2014


Image: Ella Condon


Invited exhibition 'New Contemporaries' Trace of Light 

Curated by SCA Galleries Director Nicholas Tsoutas

SCA Galleries 

March 12 - April 4 2014



Invited exhibition Invisible Force 'Nahrain: Two Rivers' 

Curated by Khaled Sabsabi 

Feb 8 - March 30 2014





Thesis lodged in the Sydney eScholarship Repository

Sculpting with Light: A photographic that is shifting



Post Portal Collective blog launched 


The members of Post Portal Collective consist of nine international artists from the United States, Iceland, China, Israel, Turkey, and Australia who began to cultivate a parallel discourse in our artworks while living in New York in 2013. The Post Portal blog is a platform in which we are able to record the transformation of our projects, and maintain an ongoing dialogue throughout our career and across continents. Each artist individually develops work in a variety of mediums, while together we engage in the notion that the camera lens is a technology that has the ability to alter our perception of reality, and subsequently the context of an image.

Please contact us at for exhibition, editorial, and print opportunities.

View individual artist categories here





Images above Rachel Guardiola, Calanques, film, digital and photogram photography on c-print © All Rights Reserved Rachel Guardiola 2013



'The Invisible Force' featured in Re:Cinema 

Curated by Ryszard Dabek  

Re:Cinema is an internationally focused research project dedicated to examining the notion of the cinematic in relation to contemporary visual culture. The outcomes of the project will be a pair of curated exhibitions to be held in 2013 accompanied by a publication that documents the exhibitions and surrounding dialogue.

Collaboration between Parsons, New York and Sydney College of the Arts.

December 2013 - January 2014

25 E13th St, Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design, New York



Film Still

Image: Ella Condon, The Invisible Force, 2013, film still



Online representation by Global Art Space

Global Art Space aims to support creative industries and individuals.

GAS is a non-profit online gallery created in order to unite artists with art collectors.





 Image: Ella Condon, Light Installation Sketch, May 2013



In the light installation 'The Invisible Force', the viewer encounters a somewhat abstracted reflection upon the ground.  When further considering the imagery, they come to see what resembles elements of a figure, morphing in and out of focus from the darkness, appearing somewhat sculptural, and creating an illusion it exists beneath the surface of the floor.  Surrounded by a watery substance, drifting almost formlessly through the water, the image appears to transcend its formal qualities coming to life, whilst disappearing further from reach.



Sunday 12th May 2013 Photographic light installation in the darkrooms, 5th floor, Parsons 66 5th Ave  New York, NY 10011





The Photographic Universe II Conference, Parsons 

Eduardo Cadava makes reference to Benjamin on The Life and Death of Images - "To live means to leave traces" 


Eduardo Cadava On the paper graveyard - The Life and Death of Images 

- "Paper remains a haunting horizon, a cementary in reserve."



Re:Cinema Video Art Exhibition between Parsons and SCA 

December 2-14th 2013, 25 E13th St, Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design, New York


The Invisible Force, 2013 featured in the Sydney Underground Film Festival 

Ozploit Short Film screening September 7th, 2013 12 - 1:30pm The Factory Theatre, Marrickville

Embodied Space, 2010 screened as part of History Week 

September 8th, 2- 4:00pm, 2013 The Writers Centre, Callan Park, Sydney 


Re:Cinema Video Art Exhibition between Parsons and SCA

May 28th - June 15th 2013, Postgraduate Galleries, Sydney College of the Arts Sydney


Master of Photography Students from Parsons exhibited within Auckland Festival of Photography

May 30th - June 21st 2013, Auckland, New Zealand


Shape Shifters set of polaroids exhibited in ALIGN: Parsons MFA Photography Exhibition 

Opening March 1st 2013, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA, United States  


Current Distortions, 2012 exhibited in the MCA Staff Show Interplay 

Opening Thursday Febuary 28th 2013, 107 Projects, Redfern, Sydney, Australia





Image: Stills from the creation of the body of work Shape Shifters for the exhibition Current Distortions at Soldiers Rd







Solo show 'CURRENT DISTORTIONS' Thursday 8 November, 2012 

Soldiers Rd Gallery, 342 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, Sydney




OPENING 8 November 6 - 9pm
EXHIBITION CONTINUES 10 November to 18 November 
Saturday - Sunday 1 - 4pm, or by appointment 


Drinks with the artist Thursday 15 November 6 - 9pm 

Soldiers Rd, Suite 405, (Level 4) 342 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills.








Culture Jam, Soldiers Rd, 23 August

Culture Jam is a monthly event put on by Soldiers Rd Gallery to present live music and art collaborations. Featuring a preview of new video work by Ella Condon to live improvised string ensemble.



Eon, Alaska Projects, 18 - 22 July

EON is a group show of eight artists associated through ideas of being, space and time. The works included explore the body and its experience, imaginatively suggested through representation or immediately engaged through the intersection of the space and sound of the environment of the viewer. Involving a multitude of disciplines, as a conglomerate the works act out the potentiality and limitlessness of the imagination, an echo of the vastness and possibility of human experience. 

Jonathan McBurnieKarena KeysLucas DavidsonElla Condon, Carla Liesch, Chris RaymondRichard Kean and Jonny Niesche.



Worlds A P A R T - Official Launch of Soldiers Rd, 24 May - 3 June

Worlds Apart is the launch show of contemporary space Soldiers Rd in Hibernian House.  

Bennett, Chanelle Collier, Connor O'Shea, Ears, Ella Condon, Emily Valentine, James Powditch, Joe Wilson, Tamara Dean and Max Berry.


Between Us, Paper Plane Gallery, 9 - 27 May

Selected as part of the Head On Photography Festival, Between Us is a showcase of Ella Condon and Lucas Davidson's practices, and presents a new collaboration between the artists.  The exhibition is concerned with the impermanent nature of our being and questions the importance place on the the permanent lived life.  It investigates the connectedness of human life to its surrounding environment, exploring mortality and the fragility of life.

Ella Condon, Lucas Davidson


 Water projections